Currency Formatting - Windows Store Apps

In previous life of .Net, the way to format currency (any currency) for the current language would be to do something like this:

public string FormatCurrencyValue(string symbol, decimal val) 
  var format = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat.Clone();
  //overwrite the currency symbol with the one I want to display
  format.CurrencySymbol = symbol;
  //pass the format to ToString();
  return val.ToString("{0:C2}", format);


This returns the currency value without any decimal parts formatted for the given currency symbol, adjusted for the current culture - for example. £50.00

for en-GB

but 50,00£

for fr-FR


The same code that runs under Windows Store creates {50:C}


Looking at the (rather scary) WinRT documentation, we have a CurrencyFormatter class , but only after trying to hide the constructor using "£"

as a parameter, and getting ArgumentException

(the WinRT documentation is so special - it has practically no information about exceptions) that I realized that it you need an ISO currency symbol (honestly the name of the parameter currencyCode

, but even so).

Now - I can get one of them too, but CurrencyFormatter

has another problem that makes it unusable for currency formatting - you can only format tags double

, long

and ulong

- there is no decimal

overload - which can lead to some interesting value errors in some situations.

So how to dynamically format currencies in


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1 answer

I found that you can still use old style strings with a class NumberFormatInfo

- it's just that it's inexplicable that it doesn't work when you use ToString

. If you use instead String.Format

, then it works.

So, we can rewrite the code in my question:

public string FormatCurrencyValue(string symbol, decimal val) 
  var format = (NumberFormatInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.NumberFormat.Clone();
  //overwrite the currency symbol with the one I want to display
  format.CurrencySymbol = symbol;
  //pass the format to String.Format
  return string.Format(format, "{0:C2}", val);


Which gives the desired result.



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