PHP images from function
I am new to php, so please go through.
I have created requests for imgFld and imageFldName. I am trying to find why my images from my db are not showing.
I have below code:
echo ' '.$records_num;
function image_show($name_image, $alt_tag) {
if (file_exists("'$name_image'")) {
$img = getimagesize(''.$name_image);
echo '<img src="'.$name_image.'" alt = '.$alt_tag.' border=0 align="bottom"';
echo 'width = '. $img[0] .' height = ' .$img[1] . ' />';
} else {
echo 'Add an image here';
Im getting image names from a column inside my db and each column has "image.jpg" connecting it to an img src script from HTML so that I can display images from the db.
However, the images are not showing and I cannot find the error. It seems that something is wrong. When I echo $ name_image nothing gets created.
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In this case, it means that nothing is being populated by the variable $name_image
Assuming the website directory is local, this is most likely due to your arguments when you call the function image_show
. They are not in the order you specified.
The first argument must be the name and the second alt text, as defined:
function image_show($name_image, $alt_tag)
However, you are passing id to $name_image
and name as $alt_tag
It should be.
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The file_exists issue is only for local files.
For example:
if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/path/to/files/image.jpg')) {
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