Integration with Jasmine Test Ribbon with visual studio and build process

How do you integrate the Jasmine test runner with Visual Studio and your custom build process? I read an article on codebetter that shows how to achieve this with FubuMVC and a few other components, but I was wondering if you can recommend any alternatives?

So how do you do it in your workplace?

Thanks a lot, Tomek


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2 answers

Take a look at Chutzpah ( ). It has integrated test videos and command line parameters to run Jasmine or QUnit tests. Behind the scenes, he uses PhantomJS, a headless browser, to load tests and run them.



I know this is a year old, but FYI, I noticed that the new AngularJS SPA Template (ASP.NET) project in Visual Studio 2013 includes Jasmine (SpecRunner.cshtml). AngularJS SPA template is an extension of VS2013 (and can be installed on VS2012 and VS2010). So now there is, head over to extensions and updates in VS to find them!



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