Is [object Function] unique to built-in functions?

I am trying to write a bookmarklet that only dumps inline globals to the console. I found window.Audio and some other built-in functions to make toString () return "[object Function]".

Is it possible to build functions (does this make sense?) Whose .toString () returns "[object Function]" without overriding .toString () In other words, is it possible that I am skipping nonlinear modules because I am skipping "[object functions] "?

This question is part of me trying to polish my bookmarks:


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1 answer

Since it window.Audio

has a different method toString

than Object

( Audio.toString === Object.toString //false

, any other method function

or Object


can be overwritten and can return[object Function]

Now people don't run and overwrite their toString

method functions . So you can do a great job with this approach. But whether it might be the reason for debugging or something else, someone might work out to do it.


A trivial ECMAScript 5 solution ( Compatibility ) is also possible

(function () {
    var keys = Object.keys(window),
        r = {};
    for (var i = 0, j; j = keys[i]; i++) {
        r[j] = window[j];



As you gratefully noted, the last answer doesn't work correctly (I don't even know what I was thinking)

Anyway, another approach could be

  • Create a new blank iframe (near: blank)
  • Get all properties window

    Properties included from the start
  • Insert all the others into the array


function getNonNatives(window) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "about:blank";
var natives = iframe.contentWindow,nonnatives = {};
for(var prop in window)
  if(!natives[prop] && window[prop] !== null)
    nonnatives[prop] = window[prop];
  return nonnatives;


This way, you don't have to worry if someone overrides the Object / Functions method toString


I will not include the old code in this edit for readability sake

A comment

To answer the question in the comment, which !!~



is a bitwise NOT operator that inverts the bits of its operand.

So, given this logic, it can be used as a shorthand with indexOf

to check if nothing was found ,
since it returns -1

if nothing is found yet a positive number.

~-1 == 0

and for example ~4 == -5

Then !!

used to convert it to boolean

!!0 == false

and !!-5 == true

This is mainly shorthand for

if( myString.indexOf("myValue") > -1)



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