How do I get the user's full name?

I have the following code in VBS that works great. it asks AD to get the full username:

Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUser = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)
strFullName = objUser.Get("displayName")
MsgBox strFullName


I would love to do the same, but in Foxpro 7. Anyone have any experience with VFP 7 or 9?


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4 answers

sys (0) returns the hostname and hostname something like

lcMachineUser = sys(0)
lcMachine = LEFT( lcMachineUser, AT( "#", lcMachineUser) -1 )
lcUserName = substr( lcMachineUser, AT( "#", lcMachineUser) +1 )




Ok, it looks like the stuff is pretty old ... and it's true!;) I found a solution, but it might help someone, someday, someday :)

loScript = Createobject("MSScriptcontrol.scriptcontrol.1")
loScript.Language = "VBScript"

TESTVBS = [Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")] + chr(13)+chr(10)+;
          [strUser = objSysInfo.UserName] + chr(13)+chr(10)+;
          [Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser)] + chr(13)+chr(10)+;
          [strFullName = objUser.Get("displayName")] + chr(13)+chr(10)
          *[MsgBox strFullName]



this is how you execute VBS from Foxpro code ... two technologies that are no longer technologies :)



This will call the username from the environment variables.

username = GETENV("UserName")




I am using this function:

  LOCAL cUsrBuf, nUsrLen, cUserName
  cUsrBuf = SPACE(20)
  nUsrLen = 20
  DECLARE GetUserName IN advapi32 AS GetUserName STRING @cusrbuf, LONG @nusrlen
  =GetUserName(@cusrbuf, @nusrlen)
  cUserName = LEFT(ALLTRIM(cusrbuf), LEN(ALLTRIM(cusrbuf)) - 1)
 RETURN cUserName


I would not use SYS (0) because: SYS (0) returns 1 when using Visual FoxPro offline

Only when the machine is online does SYS (0) return the machine name, a space, a number sign (#), followed by another space, and then the ID of the current user (or the security context in which Visual FoxPro is running).



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