Facebook app cannot set bundle id for native iOS authentication

I am trying to set up facebook authentication in a native iOS app using SDK 3.0. This is the first facebook app I created myself.

I have created my facebook app and I am trying to set the Bundle ID in the "Native iOS App" section of the main facebook app settings. I enter my bundle ID, which is in the format "com.mydomain.myappname", but no matter what I enter, when I save the changes, the Bundle ID is not saved.

Is there some step I'm missing before I can set the Bundle ID?

The app is not in the app store yet, so I haven't installed the App Store IDs (I understand this isn't necessary?). I have set my app id to plist for my iOS app



and also the url scheme

{CFBundleURLSchemes => ["fbXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"]}


When I try to login, I get the following error, which pretty clearly states that the bundle id is not set or does not match my iOS app bundle id:

FBConditionalLog: System authorization error: "The Facebook server was unable to fulfill this access request: remote_app_id does not match the stored identifier." This could be caused by a mismatch between the bundle ID and your app's configuration on the server at developers.facebook.com/apps.


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