Should DTOs contain other DTOs or does it mean "behavior"?
We are starting a new project and developing DTOs that will be injected into the corresponding POCOs with behavior. However, every DTO example I can find contains only value types such as:
public class CustomerDTO
public int Age { get; set; }
But we would like to add DTO properties that reference collections of other DTOs, for example:
public class CustomerDTO
public List<AddressDTO> Addresses { get; set; }
Is this a bad design idea that will give us problems down the line? Or is there no other way to design real DTOs that don't reference each other?
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1 answer
These are the typical navigation properties that you want to add to a DTO. I think this is correct and the only problem you may come across is circular references in serialization, etc.
Kirill Bestemyanov
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