IDLE no longer runs any script when F5 is pressed

I cannot run any script by pressing F5 or by selecting run from the menu in IDLE. It suddenly stopped working. No coughing bugs. IDLE just doesn't do anything.

Tried reinstalling python with no effect.

Even the simplest script fails to run.

Thanks for any help or suggestions you have.

Running Python 2.6.5 on Windows 7.

Could not fix the problem with downtime. I switched to using pyDev in Aptana Studio 3.


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1 answer

I am using a Dell laptop and am facing this problem. I found that if I pressed Function + F5, the program started.

On my laptop keyboard, the function keys are in blue (main functions in white). The Esc (escape) key has a blue padlock labeled "Fn". I pressed Esc + F5 and it unlocked my function keys. Now I can run the program in the editor only by pressing F5

Note. Running Python 3 - but I don't think it's an Idle or Python issue - I think it's a keyboard issue.



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