Build table using partial view with ajax requests

I need to dynamically create (insert) a new table row every time the user clicks a button (using ajax). My partial view has the following structure:



When I need to insert a new line at the end, I can do something like this:

    element_table.innerHTML += ajax_data


But what should I do when I need to put it between other lines? I can only return [td] elements and wrap them in a [tr] client-generated element (tr.innerHTML = ajax_data). But I don't think that's a good idea. Any ideas? Are there any common practices?


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1 answer

The easiest way is to use jQuery with an Ajax response. It can be as easy as



add a line . It is also possible to insert a new line at a specific index :

$('#my_table > tbody > tr').eq(index).after(response);


Note that the index is 0-based.



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