Strange / magic image visualization with Matlab

I have a double image, I want to display it with unsigned int 16 bit, so I do:

I = im2uint16(I);
figure;imshow(I);title('Image being saved')


This shows it (with its normal noise):


Now I want to record this image using .png with 16 bit bit depth. I AM:



And now the image opened with Photoshop CS5 or Windows Photo Viwer looks like this: (the noise has magically disappeared):


Can someone explain this strange behavior?

How to reproduce this error

Load in the C:\test\

image I used here :

Now run this script:

I = im2double(imread('C:\test\test_matlab.tif'));

% Add gaussian noise with variance = 0.0012
I = imnoise(I,'gaussian',0,0.0012);



And compare the figure in matlab with the saved file


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2 answers

Difficult to say because you didn’t give enough data to play back, but I would guess that the problem is with a display issue: the image is larger than your physical display window, so some downsampling must be applied to display it. Depending on how this resampling is performed, the result may be - in this scenario - very different, visually. Suppose Matlab uses nearest neighbor resampling to display it, which explains why the image looks very noisy; instead, if another image viewer applies bilinear interpolation or something similar, this will constitute a local average, which practically filters out the white noise.

To test this, try doing the same with a small image. Or try enlarging the visible clear image to see it in real size (100%: one pixel of the image = one pixel of the display)

Update: see also here



Here's what I did:

%# read the image (why is it so big?)
I = im2double(imread(''));

%# add noise
I = imnoise(I,'gaussian',0,0.0012);

%# write tiff

%# read the tiff again
I2 = imread('withNoise.tif');

class(I2) %# -- oopsie, it uint8 now! 

%# convert to uint16 as in original post
I = im2uint16(I);

%# writ again

%# read it
I2 = imread('withNoise16.png');

%# compare
all(all(I==I2)) %# everything is equal


So there is no funky thing about writing / reading an image (although you lose some information when converting bits), your original image is about a third of the dynamic range, so you will lose more information if you stretched the contrast before converting).

However, the image is 2k by 2k. When I only look at the top right corner of the image (taking 500 by 500 pixels), it displays the same in Matlab and other graphics programs. So I bet it's a matter of resampling your image, which Matlab does differently from other programs. As @leonbloy suggests, Matlab can do nearest neighbor resampling while other programs will do interpolation.



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