How to text a LinkedIn wall on PhoneGap?

I am developing one app in PhoneGap in this app that I want to share a text message to Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. for ANDROID-LinkedIn I search many google links but I get good results. please help me i am amazed here.

I am implementing this example:

        <title>OAuthSimple w/ LinkedIn</title>
        <script src="OAuthSimple.js"></script>
                You must edit the two following lines and put in your consumer key and shared secret
            var consumer_key = "ibmay1qostgk";
            var shared_secret = "4HqeDRZ2ZKAvASlM";

                Nothing below here needs to be edited for the demo to operate

            var oauth_info = {};
            var oauth = OAuthSimple(consumer_key, shared_secret);

            function parse_response(response, callback) 
                response.replace(new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g"), function($0, $1, $2, $3) { oauth_info[$1] = $3; });

            function authorize_url() 
                set_url("" + oauth_info.oauth_token, document.getElementById("au"));

            function access_token_url(pin) {
                var url = oauth.sign({action: "GET", path: "", parameters: {oauth_verifier: pin}, signatures: oauth_info}).signed_url;

                set_url(url, document.getElementById("at"));

            function fetch_profile_url() {

                var url = oauth.sign({action: "GET", path: "", signatures: oauth_info}).signed_url;

                set_url(url, document.getElementById("fp"));

            function set_url(url, element) {
                element.value = url;

                var span = document.createElement("span");
                span.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>Open</a>";
                element.parentNode.insertBefore(span, element.nextSibling);

            window.onload = function() {
                var url = oauth.sign({action: "GET", path: "", parameters: {oauth_callback: "oob"}}).signed_url;

                set_url(url, document.getElementById("rt"));
        <h1>OAuthSimple w/ LinkedIn</h1>
        <label for="rt">Request Token URL:</label> <input type="text" size="100" name="rt" id="rt" >
        <label for="rtr">Request Token Response:</label><br><textarea rows="5" cols="75" name="rtr" id="rtr"></textarea>
        <button onclick="javascript:parse_response(document.getElementById('rtr').value, authorize_url)">Parse Response</button>
        <label for="au">Authorize URL:</label> <input type="text" size="100" name="au" id="au">
        <label for="vp">Verifier PIN Code:</label> <input type="text" size="100" name="vp" id="vp">
        <button onclick="javascript:access_token_url(document.getElementById('vp').value)">Get Access Token URL</button>
        <label for="at">Access Token URL:</label> <input type="text" size="100" name="at" id="at">
        <label for="atr">Access Token Response:</label><br><textarea rows="5" cols="75" name="atr" id="atr"></textarea>
        <button onclick="javascript:parse_response(document.getElementById('atr').value, fetch_profile_url)">Parse Response</button>
        <label for="fp">Fetch Profile URL:</label> <input type="text" size="100" name="fp" id="fp">




source to share

1 answer

Here is a complete example of logging in and sending msg linkedIn using Phonegap

ref =' r_network r_emailaddress r_fullprofile&state=APISECRET&redirect_uri=SOMEACTIVESITE','_blank','location=no');
    ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function(e){
        $.mobile.loading( 'show' );
        if(e.url.indexOf('?code=') >=0 ){
                var code = e.url.match(/=[^]+&/)[0].substring(1).replace('&','');
                window.sessionStorage.setItem('code', code);

                    url: ''+code+'&redirect_uri=',
                    success: function(a){

                            url : ''+a.access_token,
                            type: 'post',
                            headers : {
                                'Content-Type'  : 'application/json',
                                'x-li-format'   : 'json'
                            data: JSON.stringify({
                              "recipients": {
                                "values": [
                                  "person": {
                                    "_path": "/people/~",
                              "subject": "asdasdasd on your new position.",
                              "body": "You are certainly the best person for the job!"
                            success: function(a){
                            error: function(a){
                    error: function(a){




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