FIM Sync Server won't start - SharePoint 2010

You are having problems with the FIM sync service, it cannot start from the following message in the application logs

The server encountered an unexpected error and stopped.

 "BAIL: MMS(9948): sql.cpp(8490): 0x80231334 (The sql connection string has unsupported values.)
BAIL: MMS(9948): sql.cpp(8533): 0x80231334 (The sql connection string has unsupported values.)
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(260): 0x80231334 (The sql connection string has unsupported values.)
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(3860): 0x80231334 (The sql connection string has unsupported values.)
BAIL: MMS(9948): service.cpp(1539): 0x80231334 (The sql connection string has unsupported values.)
ERR: MMS(9948): service.cpp(988): Error creating com objects. Error code: -2145184972. This is retry number 0.
BAIL: MMS(9948): clrhost.cpp(283): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): scriptmanagerimpl.cpp(7670): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(251): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(3860): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): service.cpp(1539): 0x80131022 
ERR: MMS(9948): service.cpp(988): Error creating com objects. Error code: -2146234334. This is retry number 1.
BAIL: MMS(9948): clrhost.cpp(283): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): scriptmanagerimpl.cpp(7670): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(251): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(3860): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): service.cpp(1539): 0x80131022 
ERR: MMS(9948): service.cpp(988): Error creating com objects. Error code: -2146234334. This is retry number 2.
BAIL: MMS(9948): clrhost.cpp(283): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): scriptmanagerimpl.cpp(7670): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(251): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): server.cpp(3860): 0x80131022 
BAIL: MMS(9948): service.cpp(1539): 0x80131022 
ERR: MMS(9948): service.cpp(988): Error creating com objects. Error code: -2146234334. This is retry number 3.
BAIL: MMS(9948): service.cpp(1002): 0x80131022 


We are working on the CU patch on December 12th. Checked the registry keys in the following location, all keys have correct values ​​HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ FIMSynchronizationService \ Options

The service runs under the Farm Administrator account and is added to Local Administrators (so far only to provide UPS).

Ran Process Monitor for any access violations, but it came neatly.

Searched all around, nothing helped, please help if anyone has encountered this issue before?

Not sure why the service is not logging detailed information in some kind of log file.

Thanks, Avinash


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1 answer

Installed client configuration utility for SQL Server to check network protocol as someone mentioned on the forum (both TCP, namedpipe were enabled). This required a reboot.

Went to Central Administration again, tried to start sync service, could not check the event logs and found the following message

The Execute method of the job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ProfileSynchronizationSetupJob (ID 23f8c125-f4f5-45a4-8180-576478fdeffd) threw an exception. See below for more details. An update conflict has occurred and you must try this action again. The ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance object was updated by DOMAIN \ ADMIN_Farm during OWSTIMER (2576) on
Review the trace log for more information on the conflict. Check ULS viewer is found after following

Found some bugs from owtimer.exe but it was a good indicator

ConcurrencyException: Old version: 49462 New version: 49502 and this one

ProfileSynchronizationService: TImer Job provisioning encountered an exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpdatedConcurrencyException: An update conflict has occurred and you must retry this action. The ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance object was updated by DOMAIN \ ADMIN_Farm during OWSTIMER (2576) on Review the trace log for more information on the conflict.
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.StoreObject (SPPersistedObject obj, Boolean storeClassIfNecessary, Boolean)) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPConfigurationDatabase.Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.ISPPersjectStorePoint.Administration.ISPPersjectStoreProvider.PutObjects
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPPersistedObject.BaseUpdate ()
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.UserProfileApplication.SetupSynchronizationService (ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance profileSyncInstance)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ProfileServer state (We have recently started using CUserProfileApplication.SetupSynchronizationService (ProfileSynchronizationServiceInstance profileSyncInstance) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ProfileServer state) setup wizard, but somehow all the components weren't updated.

Run the SharePoint Customization Wizard until it comes to the central administrator, select the manual option and exit the screen.

Went to the services page, tried to start the service again and it worked this time.



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