How can I set sling.servlet.resourceTypes in Sling serlvet to a path relative to itself (to the serlvet resource)?
If I asked the question incorrectly, I will first tell you what I want to achieve:
I have the following component structure in CQ5: / apps / TEST / components / DatabaseConnection (DatabaseConnection is the component name) / apps / TEST / components / DatabaseConnection / src / ServletDatabaseConnection (This is my serlvet for handling POST requests from TEST / components / DatabaseConnection ...
In my servlet sling.servlet.resourceTypes is set to TEST / components / DatabaseConnection)
So I have set the relative path to sling.servlet.resourceTypes and serlvet will look for resourceType in / apps / TEST / components / DatabaseConnection and under / libs / TEST / components / DatabaseConnection /
But I want my DatabaseConnection component to move to any other folder and not change anything in either the servlet or the application. But if i do it now i have to change sling.servlet.resourceTypes to new resourceType
Whereas everything in Sling is a resource than my servlet is a resource too, right? So, perhaps one could set sling.servlet.resourceTypes relative to the servlet's resourceType?
So, can I set sling.servlet.resourceTypes relative to this servlet resource type? If not, are there other ways to make my component "nimble" so that I don't have to change anything in the servlet?
I found these two resources very useful: manne / _jcr_content / renditions / rendition.file / adaptto2012-apache-sling-basic-concepts-rainer-bartl-peter-mannel.pdf But I still can't find a solution
It took 7 months and I found out how to achieve what I was trying to achieve by looking at my colleague's code :)
So, I wanted to make the component movable along with my servlet.
We don't need to use resourceType for this, but we need to use sling.servlet.paths.
To do this, we need to do three things.
1) In the form we want to send to the servlet, set some action. Example:
<form name="name" id="id" action="/someaction/dothis" method="POST">
<button name="submit"> Submit </button>
2) Install sling.servlet.paths in the servlet. In our case:
@Component(immediate = true)
@Properties(value = {
@Property(name="sling.servlet.methods", value={ "POST" }),
@Property(name="sling.servlet.paths", value={"/someaction/dothis"})
public class ServletEvaluation extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {
3) In the OSGi / system / console / configMgr console, configure the Apache Sling servlet / resource receiver: Add sling.servlet.path to the execution path. In our case, set the execution path to / someaction
Have you tried setting the absolute path instead of the resourceType? For example, if you set the path to / bin / TEST / DatabaseConnection, it doesn't matter what the resource type is.