How to get the output of sql queries in FitNesse + DbFit?

I'm trying to get a sql query in DBfit using ie !|Execute|select * from abc|

, but I don't know how it will display in DBfit.


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2 answers

I think you are looking for a table Inspect Query

(you can find reference docs on this here ).

!|Inspect Query|select * from abc|

Doing so will print the query result.



First, the execution device is typically used for actions that do not return data, such as:

!|Execute|insert into tablename values (…)|



!|Execute|update tablename st... where...|


However, even some actions without data have more specific commands. The above update can be done, for example, with

!|Update|tablename               |
|new value       |matching value |


Use the query tool to return data

!|query|select Id, BatchNum from tablename|
|Id    |BatchNum?                         |
|1     |>>Bat1                            |
|2     |<<Bat1                            |


As shown, just put your field names on the line below the fixture and then your data lines below that.



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