Is it possible to use web CRUD matrix in one page using Ajax

I would like to get an idea of ​​what is the fastest and safest way to do CRUD (Update-Edit-insert) operations on the same page with Ajax in Razor WebMatrix syntax. Is it possible to do this CRUD operation on one razor page using ajax without a GET-POST webservice or another razor page?

I tried using jquery ajax to post data from other Razor pages using Json output type as well as WCF Webservice. But they really didn't satisfy me because in everything I need a different page to serve my data.


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1 answer

Yes, you can do it. Each individual CRUD operation must be wrapped in its own conditional block. The condition can check if a specific name / value pair was sent to the server via AJAX (for example, action=delete

or action=update

). When returning values ​​back to the AJAX call, make sure the ContentType

response parameter is set correctly.

Here is a working example -

            case "create" :
                Response.Write("You are trying to create something");
            case "read" :
                Response.Write("What would you like to read?");
            case "update" :
                Response.Write("Something is being updated");
            case "delete" :
                Response.Write("This is a delete");

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            $(function () {
                $('.crud').click(function () {
                    $.get('/SinglePage/?action=' + $(this).attr('id'), function (message) {
        <button id="create" class="crud">Create</button>
        <button id="read" class="crud">Read</button>
        <button id="update" class="crud">Update</button>
        <button id="delete" class="crud">Delete</button>


Anyway, this illustrates how bad this approach can be in terms of maintenance, etc. I would always use separate cshtml files for each data operation,



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