Difference between date and time Excel

I would like to determine the current time from a specified date and time.

If the specified data is: 19/01/2013 16:44:00

and now the time is:19/01/2013 16:45:00

the difference is 0 years 0 months 0 days 0 hours 1 minute 0 seconds

This can be done easily by simply taking the current time and minus the previous time and formatting it, but it is difficult to combine the data, so I want to split each date / time segment into its own cell

Let's say cell A1 has the previous time and cell A2 has the current time

Cells a5 frough f5 will contain 0 years 0 months 0 days 0 hours 1 minute 0 seconds

On a second note on this question, is it possible to force the =NOW()

refresh every x seconds via VBA without interaction?


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3 answers

You cannot use the function YEAR

to split the year because that will give 1 year between December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2013, when there will be only one day .....

.... Likewise, you might have problems with MONTH and DAY (e.g. MONTH always returns a number between 1 and 12, whereas in this context you would only expect numbers between 0 and 11)


for the first 3, then HOUR



Justin offers

Assuming start date / time in A2 and end date / time in B2, try these formulas respectively for Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds







format all cells as general

You may get some inconsistencies due to variable month / year length ......



Use A5 = Year(A1)-Year(A2)









For more on creating a timer based self refresh sheet, take a look at two posts and set a timer to execute the method Worksheet.Calculate




Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Sub DoDateA()
    Dim D1 As Date, D2 As Date, DC As Date, DS As Date
    Dim CA: CA = Array("", "yyyy", "m", "d", "h", "n", "s", "s")
    Dim Va%(7), Da(7) As Date, Ci%
    D1 = Now + Rnd() * 420  ' vary the  * factors for range of dates
    D2 = Now + Rnd() * 156
    If D1 > D2 Then
        [b4] = "Larger"
        [b4] = " smaller"
        DS = D1
        D1 = D2
        D2 = DS
    End If
    [d4] = D1
    [e4] = D2
    DC = D2
    For Ci = 1 To 6
        Va(Ci) = DateDiff(CA(Ci), DC, D1)
        DC = DateAdd(CA(Ci), Va(Ci), DC)
        Va(Ci + 1) = DateDiff(CA(Ci + 1), DC, D1)
        If Va(Ci + 1) < 0 Then  ' added too much
            Va(Ci) = Va(Ci) - 1
            DC = DateAdd(CA(Ci), -1, DC)
            Cells(9, Ci + 3) = Va(Ci + 1)
            Cells(8, Ci + 3) = Format(DC, "yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss")
        End If
        Da(Ci) = DC
        Cells(5, Ci + 3) = CA(Ci)
        Cells(6, Ci + 3) = Va(Ci)
        Cells(7, Ci + 3) = Format(Da(Ci), "yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss")
        Cells(10, Ci + 3) = DateDiff(CA(Ci), D2, D1)
    Next Ci
End Sub




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