Why isn't my perl hash returning a value?
I am swallowing a CSV file:
"123","Lastname","Firstname","123 Home St","","Home City","HS","12345-6789","0101","S","1234567890","last.first@domain.local","123 Local St","","Local City","LS","98765-4321","123 Campus St","","Campus City","CS","54321-6789","IT",""
Using Text::CSV
, I am trying to parse this into a hash:
my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
chomp(my $line = <READ>);
$csv->column_names(split(/,/, $line));
until (eof(READ)) {
$line = $csv->getline_hr(*READ);
my %linein = %$line;
my %patron;
$patron{'patronid'} = $linein{'ID'};
$patron{'last'} = $linein{'LASTNAME'};
$patron{'first'} = $linein{'FIRSTNAME'};
print p(%linein)."\n";
print p(%patron)."\n";
Using this code, the print statements at the end (using Data::Printer
) return this:
"BARCODE" 1234567890,
"CAMPUS_ADDR1" "123 Campus St",
"CAMPUS_CITY" "Campus City",
"CAMPUS_ZIP" "54321-6789",
"DOB" 0101,
"EMAIL" "last.first@domain.local",
"FIRSTNAME" "Firstname",
"ID" 123,
"LASTNAME" "Lastname",
"LOCAL_ADDR1" "123 Local St",
"LOCAL_CITY" "Local City",
"LOCAL_ZIP" "98765-4321",
"MAJOR" "",
"PERM_ADDR1" "123 Home St",
"PERM_ADDR2" "",
"PERM_CITY" "Home City",
"PERM_ZIP" "12345-6789"
first undef,
last undef,
patronid undef
I don't understand why %patron
it is not populated with values from %linein
. I am wondering how this is related to usage Text::CSV
, since I am parsing other files elsewhere in the script and they work fine. These files, however, are not CSV, but fixed width, so I parse them manually.
$csv->column_names(map {/"(.*)"/ and $1} split(/,/, $line))
$csv->column_names(split(/,/, $line));
Your CSV keys were defined as literal strings
Instead of just
didn't do too bad a job to show you what's going on - all keys in p(%linein)
are shown as containing double quotes as part of a string, as opposed top(%patron)