MySQL to group with one column and get subgroup from another column

I have a MySQL table. I have put the schema in this script .
In my desk, when a user logs in, I write him / her to the desk. After one day, the user can log in multiple times. So I need to know how many times each user has logged in each day.

I need an output like this:

  • 2013-01-30
    - Michael - 2 times
    - John - 4 times

  • 2013-01-29
    - Michael - 1 time
    - John - 1 time
    - Mary - 1 time
    - Dean - 1 time

  • 2013-01-28
    - Michael - 3 times
    - Mary - 1 time

I've tried this:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS "times", username, date
FROM mytable GROUP BY date ORDER BY date DESC


But it gave me this:
- 2013-01-30 - Michael - 6 times - 2013-01-29 - John - 4 times
- 2013-01-28 - Michael - 6 times

Can you recommend a request for this?


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3 answers

Just add your username to the sentence GROUP BY


SELECT COUNT(*) AS "times", username, date
FROM mytable 
GROUP BY date, username ORDER BY date DESC




SELECT date, username, COUNT (1) AS "times" FROM mytable GROUP BY date, username ORDER BY date DESC



you should Group by username


try it

   SELECT COUNT(*) AS times, username, date
  FROM mytable group by date,username ORDER BY date DESC





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