Passing RGBA32F texture to shader as R32F for image Atomic operations and access to components

Is it possible to pass a 3D RGBA32F texture to a shader as an imageAtomic compatible type (i.e. R32F) and then somehow modify the ivec3 index so that the corresponding RGBA32F texture components can be deterministically accessed?

I know this is possible with a buffer, where indexing is much more straight forward, but ivec3 seems to prevent smart index manipulation.


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1 answer

First, it is R32F

incompatible with atomic images . Integer formats only. If you are not using the NVIDIA extension .

Secondly, the image format compatibility rules prevent you from pretending that the RGBA32F texture is an R32UI texture. They work based on compatible texel sizes and RGBA32F is 128 bits and R32UI is 32 bits.



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