Android: safe way to hide navigation counter in ActionBar?
I would like to show the spinner in my ActionBar using ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST
, but I would like it to hide / show based on some application context. I found I can remove it from the ActionBar with getActionBar().setNavigationMode(-1)
, however I don't know if that is a good idea.
Any feedback if this is safe or if there is a safer alternative?
Perhaps this is accepted:
ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
If you stick with it ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST
, you will need to set up a navigation listener every time you want to show your spinner. This is obviously not the best Soleton.
Instead, you can use ActionBar.setCustomView()
spinner ( reference ) to set the navigation .
Here is some sample code where you set the counter:
Spinner navigationSpinner = new Spinner(this);
// Here you set navigation listener
Then, when you want to show / hide it, you simply change its visibility:
Just change your implementation ActionBarDrawerToggle
like this:
public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) {
super.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, slideOffset);
if (slideOffset == 0) { // 0 = drawer is closed
setActionBarNavigationVisibility(activity, true); //show Tabs when Drawer is closed
public void onDrawerStateChanged(int newState) {
//hides Tabs right after Drawer starts opening
if (DrawerLayout.STATE_DRAGGING == newState || DrawerLayout.STATE_SETTLING == newState) {
setActionBarNavigationVisibility(activity, false);
Where the method setActionBarNavigationVisibility
considers all navigation modes (you can remove the code for irregular navigation modes):
public static void setActionBarNavigationVisibility(Activity activity, boolean visible) {
try {
/* 1. --- If the navigation items are showing in ActionBar directly. We have 3 options Spinner, Tabs, and CustomNav ---
(When Tabs are showing BELOW ActionBar, is handled at the end) */
int actionViewResId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("action_bar", "id", "android"); // @see
View actionBarView = activity.findViewById(actionViewResId); // returns instance of (inaccessible)
if (actionBarView != null) {
int visibility = visible ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE; // not GONE, so it still takes space in ActionBar layout
// handle tabs navigation
Field mTabScrollViewField = actionBarView.getClass().getDeclaredField("mTabScrollView");
if (mTabScrollViewField != null) {
View mTabScrollView = (View) mTabScrollViewField.get(actionBarView); // instance of (inaccessible)
if (mTabScrollView != null)
// handle Spinner navigation
Field mSpinnerField = actionBarView.getClass().getDeclaredField("mSpinner"); // resp. mListNavLayout
if (mSpinnerField != null) {
View mSpinner = (View) mSpinnerField.get(actionBarView); // instance of android.widget.Spinner
if (mSpinner != null)
// handle Custom navigation
Field mCustomNavViewField = actionBarView.getClass().getDeclaredField("mCustomNavView"); // resp. mListNavLayout
if (mCustomNavViewField != null) {
View mCustomNavView = (View) mCustomNavViewField.get(actionBarView);
if (mCustomNavView != null)
// 2. --- If the Tabs are BELOW ActionBar (narrow screens) ---
ViewParent actionBarContainer = actionBarView.getParent(); // parent of ActionBarView is (inaccessible)
Field mTabContainerField = actionBarContainer.getClass().getDeclaredField("mTabContainer");
if (mTabContainerField != null) {
View mmTabContainer = (View) mTabContainerField.get(actionBarContainer);
if (mmTabContainer != null)
mmTabContainer.setVisibility(visible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); // now use GONE, so the mTabContainer below Actionbar does not take space in layout
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO Handle exception...