Disable specific drag element

I found a nice script, http://mjsarfatti.com/sandbox/nestedSortable/ , which is almost perfect for me. I just can't find one little thing.

I want to disable some of the drag and drop items. I looked in the readme, tried some options but didn't get what I wanted.

Can anyone tell me how can I disable the element that needs to be dragged?


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2 answers

All instructions are here http://jqueryui.com/sortable/#items

In your code I have extracted and posted here http://jsfiddle.net/axgTF/1/


items: "li",



items: "li:not(.dontsortme)",


and add this class to the items you want to disable from sorting eg.

<li id="list_10" class="dontsortme"><div><span class="disclose"><span></span></span>Item 5</div>


What you can see here http://jsfiddle.net/axgTF/2/ (clause 5 is disabled)



Add the class as static

in items <li>

that shouldn't be moved and then in the config nestedSortable

specify items: 'li:not(.static)'


Demo: Fiddle .

There Item 5

can not be moved.



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