Firebird - database file completion error message

I have a problem with my Firebird database. The primary key of one of the tables refers to another table that was actually dropped earlier. Thus, this link from a non-existent table was throwing errors when trying to make any changes to the table data.

So, I did a backup and restore and the bad link is gone, but now when I try to connect to my database more than once, I get the following error:

database [file path] shutdown

How can I solve this?


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2 answers

Your database (file, not the server) has been disconnected, so Firebird does not accept connections for that database until it has been reconnected to the network using gfix



gfix -online <path-to-your-database>


See Starting and Shutting Down a Database in the Firebird Databases Disposal Guide



use online

gfix  -user "SYSDBA" -password "masterkey"  -online DATA.FDB


after using the retry database

gfix  -user "SYSDBA" -password "masterkey"   -shut -force 0 DATA.FDB




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