Select Single Parent with Multiple Children to Custom Object

I am trying to create a custom object using a select statement that includes parent / child (1: n) tables. I tried to group the selected objects but I am having problems with the solution.

My data will be in this format:

Userid | Col1 | Col2 | ... | Coln

Id | Userid | Col1 | Col2 | ... | Coln


The result object I am trying to create will be as follows:

Custom { UserID, IEnumerable<ChildTable> }


I wrote a request:

    from parent in db.ParentTable
    join child in db.ChildTable on new { Userid = parent.Id } equals new { Userid = child.Userid } into child_join
    from child in child_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
         child.Col1 == Argument1 &&
         child.Col2 == Argument2
    select new {
         Username = parent.Username,


This will return this result:

Username | Child Col1 | Child Col2 | Child Col3 | .. |Child Coln
asdf        1              11           22        ..     33
asdf        2              22           33        ..     44
asdf        3              33           44        ..     55
qwer        4              44           55        ..     66
qwer        5              55           66        ..     77
qwer        6              66           77        ..     88
zxcv        7              77           88        ..     99
zxcv        8              88           99        ..     00


I would like to achieve this:

Username | IEnumerable<Child>
asdf     |     {{1             11           22        ..     33}
         |      {2             22           33        ..     44}
         |      {3             33           44        ..     55}}
qwer     |     {{4             44           55        ..     66}
         |      {5             55           66        ..     77}
         |      {6             66           77        ..     88}}
zxcv     |     {{7             77           88        ..     99}
                {8             88           99        ..     00}}


I am trying to group items by username and create a custom object in the form Custom {UserID, IEnumerable} where I can serialize the objects after completion. Any help is appreciated. Edit: As far as the data structure is concerned, it cannot be changed as I am connecting to a third party system, so I am working with what is given.


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2 answers

Although not a perfect solution, I decided to group the object after the request was made, but before the data was serialized. I tried to apply the "group by" clause, but I don't have any aggregates to apply as I was not trying to find the maximum sum or the sum of the children, not the group. My (unrefined) solution looks like this using my original query, but fits into a custom entity class:

from parent in db.ParentTable
join child in db.ChildTable on new { Userid = parent.Id } equals new { Userid = child.Userid }
      child.Col1 == Argument1 &&
      child.Col2 == Argument2
select new ChildDataDomainModelClass {
      Username = parent.Username,

 //I had grouped the object like this, where the object type returned on the grouping is of type IEnumerable<IGrouping<KeyValuePair<int, string>, ChildDataDomainModelClass>>:

List<ResultDataClass> returnData= new List<ResultDataClass>();
var groupedByUserName = dataResult.GroupBy(item => new KeyValuePair<int, string>(item.UserID, item.UserName), item => item);
        foreach (var userData in groupedByUserName)
             var newdata = new ResultDataClass(userData.Key.Key, userData.Key.Value, userData.Select(item => item.TrackData)); //TrackData is what I have named the Child Data that was returned


I appreciate the suggested input. If anyone has a more elegant solution to this problem where I don't have to iterate over objects before creating a custom class, let me know. Ideally, I would not need to create a "ChildDataDomainModelClass", and on my request, I would select the new "ResultDataClass". Hope this helps others facing this problem. If I come up with a solution, I will update this post accordingly. I appreciate all the participants. Thank.



I think you may be looking for a subquery. I would try something like this:

from parent in db.ParentTable
select new {
  Username = parent.Username,
  Children = (from child in db.ChildTable
              where child.UserId == parent.UserId
              select child)


If you just want to populate your list from a groupby request without a loop, you can do:

List<ResultDataClass> returnData = dataResult.GroupBy(item => new KeyValuePair<int, string>(item.UserID, item.UserName), item => item)
                            .Select(rdc => var newdata = new ResultDataClass(userData.Key.Key, userData.Key.Value, userData.Select(item => item.TrackData))).ToList();




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