A new workbook created unintentionally
I am trying to copy a worksheet ("ReceivingRecords") from a tutorial ("InventoryControlSystemV1.1") and paste it into a new book ("BookBook"). I have created a temporary book called "Temp.xls" that allows me to use the SaveCopyAs method to create my new "RecordBook".
When I run the procedure, the "RecordBook" is created as intended, but with only one entry (the text "InventoryControlSystemV1.1.xls") in cell A1.
The worksheet I want to copy is then pasted into a new, unnamed workbook. I cannot understand where and why this new book is being created.
Here is the code for this procedure:
Sub WriteReceivingToRecords()
Dim UsedRng As Range
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim BeginDate, EndDate
Dim NameString
Dim FormatBeginDate, FormatEndDate
Dim BackupQuest As Integer
Dim BackupMsg As String
'Confirmation dialog box to avoid mistakes
BackupMsg = "This will create a new workbook for the period" & vbNewLine
BackupMsg = BackupMsg & " since the last backup was made, and will clear" & vbNewLine
BackupMsg = BackupMsg & " the receiving records in this workbook." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
BackupMsg = BackupMsg & "Are you sure you want to back up the receiving records?"
BackupQuest = MsgBox(BackupMsg, vbYesNo, "Back-up Records")
If BackupQuest = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
' Find start and end dates of receiving - To use for worksheet title
Set UsedRng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LastCol = UsedRng(UsedRng.Cells.Count).Column
Do While Cells(2, LastCol) = ""
LastCol = LastCol - 1
EndDate = Cells(2, LastCol).Text
BeginDate = Cells(2, 2).Text
FormatBeginDate = Format(BeginDate, "d mmmm yy")
FormatEndDate = Format(EndDate, "d mmmm yy")
NameString = "M-Props Receiving Records " & FormatBeginDate & " To " _
& FormatEndDate & ".xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="Temp.xls"
Workbooks("Temp.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Paste _
Workbooks("Temp.xls").SaveCopyAs NameString & ".xls"
Workbooks("Temp.xls").Close False
End If
End Sub
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