Mongodb connection parameters for C ++ driver

It looks like the C ++ drivers don't accept the uri format for mongodb. No documentation on how I should create the connection string, any guesses?

I need to connect to a replica set with 3 servers and set readPreference parameters.


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4 answers

Create replica set connection in MongoDB C ++ client

Until the problems described in @acm's answer are resolved, I found a workaround for the failed connection strings for the C ++ driver. You can create DBClientReplicaSet

with a vector of hosts and ports like this:

//First create a vector of hosts
//( you can ignore port numbers if yours are default)  

    vector<HostAndPort> hosts;

//Then create a Replica Set DB Client:

    mongo::DBClientReplicaSet connection("YourReplicaSetName",hosts,0);

//Connect to it now:


//Authenticate to the database(s) if needed

    std::string errmsg;


Now you can use insert, update, etc. the same as with DBClientConnection

. For a quick fix, you can replace references to DBClientConnection

on DBClientBase

(which is the parent for both DBClientConnection

and DBClientReplicaSet


Last error: if you are using getLastError (), you must use it with a database name like this:



otherwise, it will always return "command failed: must be logged in" as described in this JIRA ticket .

Set read parameters for each request

You have two ways to do this:

SlaveOK option

It allows your read requests to be redirected to secondary servers.

This happens in the request parameters, which are at the end of the parameters DBClientReplicaSet.query()

. The parameters are specified in the official Mongo documentation

The one you would be looking for is one mongo::QueryOption_SlaveOk

that will allow you to read messages in secondary instances.

This is how you should call query ();

     QUERY("_id" << id),
     BSON("SomeField" << 1),


where n is the number of documents returned (0 if you don't want any limit), m is the number to skip (default is 0), the next field is your projection and your last request.

To use multiple query parameters, you can use bitwise or |

like this:

     QUERY("_id" << id),
     BSON("SomeField" << 1),
     QueryOption_SlaveOk | QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout | QueryOption_Exhaust);


Query :: readPref parameter

The Query object has a readPref method that sets the read preference for a custom query. It must be called for every request.

You can pass different arguments for more control. They are listed here .

So what should you do (I haven't tested this reason, I can't now, but it should work fine)

/* you should pass an array for the tags. Not sure if this is required.
Anyway, let create an empty array using the builder. */

BSONArrayBuilder bab;

/* if any, add your tags here */

     QUERY("_id" << id).readPref(ReadPreference_SecondaryPreferred, bab.arr()),
     BSON("SomeField" << 1),
     QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout | QueryOption_Exhaust);


Note : if any readPref option is used, it must override the slaveOk parameter.

Hope it helped.



For details on the format of the connection string, see the documentation.

(links to the code below are for files 2.2.3)

To use a connection string with a C ++ driver, you must use the class ConnectionString

. First, you call a static method ConnectionString::parse

with a connection string to get ConnectionString

. Then you call ConnectionString::connect

to get a DBClientBase object , which you can then use to send requests.

As far as read preference is concerned, at the moment I see no way to set a read preference in the connection string for the C ++ driver, which would preclude a per-connection setting.

However, the implementation DBClientBase

returned by the call ConnectionString::parse

with the string that identifies the replica set will return you a DBClientReplicaSet instance . This class evaluates $readPreference

in requests, so you can adjust the read preference for each request.



Since current C ++ drivers still do not accept the standard mongodb URIs, I opened a ticket: Please vote for it to help fix this.



It seems that you can set a preprint before sending a read request using the "readPref" method of your Query object. I haven't found a way to set the Preference on mongo collection parameter yet.



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