How to use keyListener in Java applet

I have absolutely no idea how to use KeyListener

in an applet (okay, I have a good idea). I know it has to do with setting focus to the applet, but I don't know how. My program works fine as an app, but it just won't enter the keyboard as an applet. If anyone can help me that would be awesome.

My code:

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Window extends JApplet {

    static Ship ship;
    static ColorPanel panel;
    static boolean up=false, down=false, left=false, right=false;

            public static class PanelListener implements KeyListener{

        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
            switch(e.getKeyCode()) {
                    case 38: ship.setMoving(true); down = true;break;
                    case 40: ship.setMoving(true); up = true;break;
                    case 37: ship.setMoving(true); left = true;break;
                    case 39: ship.setMoving(true); right = true;break;
                    case 32: ship.setFiring(true); break;
                    case 49: ship.setSwitching(true); ship.switchOrdinance(49); break;
                    case 50: ship.setSwitching(true); ship.switchOrdinance(50); break;
                    case 51: ship.setSwitching(true); ship.switchOrdinance(51); break;
                    case 52: ship.setSwitching(true); ship.switchOrdinance(52); break;
                    case 83: if(ship.shieldState()){ship.shieldOff();}else{ship.shieldOn();}
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){
            switch(e.getKeyCode()) {
                case 38: ship.setMoving(false); down = false; break;
                case 40: ship.setMoving(false); up = false; break;
                case 37: ship.setMoving(false); left = false; break;
                case 39: ship.setMoving(false); right = false; break;
                case 32: ship.setFiring(false); break;
                case 49: ship.setSwitching(false); break;
                case 50: ship.setSwitching(false); break;
                case 51: ship.setSwitching(false); break;
                case 52: ship.setSwitching(false); break;
                default: ship.setMoving(false); ship.setFiring(false); ship.setSwitching(false); left=false; right=false; up=false; down=false;
            if(!up || !down || !right || !left){
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){

        public void init(){
            Container pane;
            ship=new Ship();
            panel = new ColorPanel(, 1340, 640);
            addKeyListener(new PanelListener());



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1 answer

You were right, you need to set it as focus at the end of the method init



If you don't, you at least need to click on the panel to get the keys found.



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