Checking Multiple CarrierWave File Types with One Loader

How can I check the extension of a downloaded file when using one downloader for multiple file types?

I am using a single model, namely Asset, which contains an attribute file. The uploader is set to a file attribute. An asset model with another attribute called feature_id. feature_id refers to features like video, audio, etc.

So how am I supposed to validate the file type with a large whitelist of additions based on the feature_id value?

Using ruby ​​1.9 and rails 3.2.11

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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3 answers

I came across the same option:

In Asset.rb Confirm filename format

validates :asset_file,
                    with: %r{\.(pdf|doc|png)$}i, message: "Wrong file format"


Use a regular expression to check the filename:

You can play with regex here:

Hope this helps!



Define your whitelist in your bootloader as shown in the docs for the carrier.

class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  def extension_white_list
    %w(jpg jpeg gif png)




Although the answer is accepted, but I have a better way to do this. Try this code.

class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  def extension_white_list
    if model.feature_id == 1
      %w(jpg jpeg gif png)
    elsif model.feature_id == 2
      %w(pdf doc docx xls xlsx)
    elsif model.feature_id == 3
      %w(mp3 wav wma ogg)


feature_id == 1

means you want to only allow uploading images, feature_id == 2

means only documents will be uploaded, and feature_id == 3

will only allow you to upload audio files.

I hope he answers the question. You can add additional checks for other file types.



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