Controller not called when closing initializers

I want the doctrine entity admin to go into different classes in my ZF2 project. Thus. I have set the following initializer to mine Module.php


'initializers' => array(
      function ($instance, $services) {
            if (is_object($instance)) { // just for debugging
            if (!$instance instanceof EntityManagerAwareInterface) {

            $entityManager = $services->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');


However, it never gets called on mine AuthController

, even if I visit that controller's site (and get a null pointer exception because the entity dispatcher was not set). Of course, the controller implements the required interface:

class AuthController extends AbstractActionController implements EntityManagerAwareInterface


Is there anything else I need to tweak so that mine is AuthController

checked for initializer closure?

At the moment I have this under invokables in module.config.php


'controllers' => array(
    'invokables' => array(
        'Auth\Controller\Auth' => 'Auth\Controller\AuthController',


When I remove it from there, the application can no longer find this class.

My debug release lists other classes that are checked for initializers, many managers and services. A short excerpt:

string(37) "Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\ControllerManager"
string(33) "Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\PluginManager"
string(29) "Zend\\View\\HelperPluginManager"
string(24) "Doctrine\\DBAL\\Connection"
string(26) "Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager"
string(41) "Zend\\Authentication\\AuthenticationService"



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1 answer

Try adding an initializer for the controller manager, judging by your debug output, the one you posted is for the service manager. In a similar way, you configure other managers, the method for the dispatcher manager isgetControllerConfig

 public function getControllerConfig()
      return array(
          'initializers' => array(
              // controller initializers here...




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