Unity DI in Windows Forms with child forms

I am using Unity DI in a windows forms application. It works so far, resolving dependencies to the main form in program.cs like this:

    static void Main()
    IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
    container.RegisterType<IAccountService, AccountService>();
    container.RegisterType<IAccountRepository, AccountRepository>();

    Application.Run(container.Resolve <MainForm>());


My problem is when my MainForm method creates a child form:

    ChildForm childForm = new ChildForm();


I am getting the error because I am trying to use constructor injection and I am not passing constructor arguments. I also tried using setter injection with the [Dependency] attribute, but that didn't work either. How am I supposed to do this? I could have my main form have all the dependencies and pass the required objects to the child forms, but if I end up with many child forms, the main form will be messy.


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2 answers

For Unity to inject constructor arguments, you will need to use a container to resolve the child form. So you will need to store a link to your container somewhere and then call:

ChildForm childForm = container.Resolve<ChildForm>();


This will allow Unity to evaluate the ChildForm constructors and inject the appropriate dependencies.



In the comment above, you mentioned "mak [ing] in the container public property program.cs".

Do not do this.

If your form has a container dependency, treat it like any other dependency.

  • add the container to the container.
  • Use either property or ctor injection to give the form access to the container.

    static void Main()
        IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();


    public partial class MainForm: Form
        public IUnityContainer Container { get; set; }




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