Large number of markers

I am working on an application using SDK version 1.0.2 that needs to manage 400-500 tokens. Generally speaking, performance is very good, except when a custom info window is displayed. Large numbers or bullets and custom info window make the UI stutter.

I understand that the problem is with the number of markers, and when I decrease the number of markers, the problem does not occur. I tried to reduce the number of markers by adding only those that are visible during the didChangeCameraPosition callback, but I found that adding and removing markers has better performance.

Not sure what else I can try and any advice on how to proceed would be very helpful.


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1 answer

The new SDK version 1.4.0 released in July 2013 has a new delegate method mapView:idleAtCameraPosition:

that will be called after the camera has finished moving. Thus, you can change the logic of adding a marker to this method instead didChangeCameraPosition

, which will be called several times during the camera change. This should improve performance.



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