Disable Eclipse validators and plugins?

I am using eclipse Helios

with Android SDK

and ... as an id for Android Apps development. Recently, building workspace

it takes from starting eclipse to finish , for example in about 6 or 7 minutes. So I was looking for ways to make Eclipse work faster. I found some suggestions like changing eclipse.ini

and adding more memory, disabling autostart builds and .... I did them successfully, but I have a couple of problems with two other ways:

  • Disable Eclipse Validators:
    I browse Windows> Preferences , but I don't see any option in Validation .
  • Disable plugins:
    In eclipse, I browse Windows> Preferences> General> Startup and Shutdown and plugins list:

enter image description here

But I don't know which plugin can be disabled without any problem.
Thanks for answers.


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1 answer

  • To disable validators, go to windows> preferences and type "valida .." (filtering will work as you type) and uncheck the boxes for the validators you want to disable.
  • You can safely disable auto update plugins and Mylyn plugins. Android developer plugins are designed for Android development. Equinox Provisioning Platform Plugins are responsible for determining if required dependencies exist if you want to install a new plugin. So killing p2 and android plugins is not a good idea.

Also I prefer to add memory (mx, ms, heap) and use the following options which work on my setup. -XX: + AggressiveHeap -XX: + UseParallelGC



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