Same url for two pages in web routing
I am working on routing a webpage url. I want two routes with equal no. parameters, same pattern and same URL, but different route name. My routes are below.
Routes.MapPageRoute("Route1", "{parameter1}/{parameter2}", "packages.aspx");
Routes.MapPageRoute("Route2", "{parameter1}/{parameter2}", "destination.aspx", false, null, null,new RouteValueDictionary { { "isDestination", "yes"} });
When I call the virtual path data, I only redirect the url that is written on top of the global file.
VirtualPathData vpd =RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null,
"parameter1", "parameter2");
VirtualPathData vpd =RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null,
"parameter1", "parameter2");
Return Vpd route for route 1. How can I generate both URLs for two different pages?
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1 answer
First option: You use route constraints to restrict browser requests that match a specific route. You can use a regular expression to specify a route restriction.
The second option: . You can use a constant parameter to distinguish between routes that have the same parameter number and type.
For example:.
Routes.MapPageRoute("Route1", "packages/{parameter1}/{parameter2}", "packages.aspx");
Routes.MapPageRoute("Route2", "destination/{parameter1}/{parameter2}", "destination.aspx", false, null, null,new RouteValueDictionary { { "isDestination", "yes"} });
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