What does * = mean in .pro file (Qt)

I am trying to build qtdemo on Windows and I almost did it, but problem with qtquick examples. I think it starts in the qtdemo.pro file, this part:

contains(QT_CONFIG, quick1) {
    QT += quick1
} else {


It always sets QT_NO_DECLARATIVE, so the program throws an error and doesn't run this example. I searched what the "* =" operator means, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Somebody knows? They always talked about + = and - = but * = are not mentioned at all ...


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1 answer

From the docs :

The * = operator adds a value to the list of values โ€‹โ€‹in a variable, but only if it is not already present. This prevents the variable from being included many times.



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