Partial views of MVC

I am trying to reuse some code and Partial View seems to be the best way to do it when using MVC.

I've created a partial view (see below) that inherits from IEnumerable.

@model IEnumerable<Models.facility>

<div class="display-field">
    @foreach (var facility in Model)


The view that inserts this view looks like this:

<div class="display-field">
    <div> @{Html.RenderPartial("FacilityPartial");} </div>


So now the problem.

I am getting a null reference error and I can see that the Model variable is null.


An object reference is not set on an object instance.

Can anyone advise me if I am doing the right thing and where am I going wrong other than the fact that it is null?


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3 answers

Use Html.Partial. Let's consider this example.

Index view (Home)

        ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
        //Test model to be passed to the partial view
        var products = new List<Product> { new Product{ProductName="Test product 1", ProductId=1234}};
@Html.Partial("_TestPV", products)


_TestPV (partial view)

@model IEnumerable<Product>
    @Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")
@foreach (var item in Model) {
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ProductName)



enter image description here



You forgot to pass the parameter to the partial view, thus a null reference. Should be:

@{Html.RenderPartial("FacilityPartial", someIEnumerableVariableHere);} 




When you call @{Html.RenderPartial("FacilityPartial");}

, you provided the name of the partial view, but you forgot to include the model as a parameter. This is why you are getting a null pivot error because when the view is rendered, it tries to access the model you specified in the view like:

@model IEnumerable<Models.facility>


If you change the calling string to @{Html.RenderPartial("FacilityPartial", model);}

, it should work. Now the view can act on the model that is passed to it.

As a side note, the accepted answer by @Jobbert Enamno uses @Html.Partial

as opposed to the @Html.RenderPartial

one you used in your question. the difference between the two might confuse you or anyone else considering this:


returns the rendered view as MvcHtmlString

, so you can store it in a variable if you like.


returns nothing, i.e. void, and therefore outputs directly to the stream Response


It is better to use the latter effectively. See this question for more detailed answers.



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