Highstock - How to add multiple series with JSON-Array

My goal: I want to draw a HighStock chart with multiple series. The data is loaded by AJAX from data.php. The result of data.php is JSON-Array

My problem: I dont know how to hot grab data from JSON array

Output signal, for example

[[timestamp, value1, value2], [timestamp, value1, value2]]

Series 1 should be -> time stamp and value1

Series 2 should be -> time stamp and value2

This is my code

// Draw the chart

        /* The chart is drawn by getting the specific data from "data.php".
         * The configuration settings are transmitted by GET-Method. The output is an JSON-Array.  */

        function(data) {

        chart = new Highcharts.StockChart
        chart:  {  renderTo: 'chartcontainer', type: 'line'  },
        title:  { text: 'You see the data of the last hour!' },
        xAxis: {  type: 'datetime', title: { text: 'time'  } },
        yAxis: { title: { text: 'unit'  } },
        series: [{ name: 'series1', data: data },{ name: 'series2', data: data }],



I think I need to change

series: [{ name: 'series1', data: data },{ name: 'series2', data: data }],


But I don’t know why


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1 answer

Loop through all the elements of the array data

and populate two separate arrays:

var series1 = [];
var series2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  series1.push([data[0], data[1]);
  series1.push([data[0], data[2]);


Then you have timestamp-value pairs in each series array.

Doing this in php can be more efficient, especially if you can replace the current json creation.



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