CComboBox :: GetLBText returns garbage

I fill in the combo box:

    while((pHPSet = pHPTable->GetNext()) != NULL)
      CString str = pHPSet->GetName();
          // I am normally using str but to proove that this is 
          // not the problem I am using "a"


Now I'm trying to read the combobox:

if(m_comboBaseHP.GetCount() > 0)
    CString csHPName = _T("");
    m_comboBaseHP.GetLBText(0, csHPName);
    // This is the ms way but ReleaseBuffer causes a crash
    //CString str = _T("");
    //int n = m_comboBaseHP.GetLBTextLen( 0 );
    //m_comboBaseHP.GetLBText( 0, str.GetBuffer(n) );

    // Do whatever with csHPName


The problem is that csHPName shows some Chinese characters in the Debugger. I guess this is memory garbage. This happens in the same method. This happens before the draw. The post paints the same problem. This happens in Debug and Release. I don't understand how this can happen as I am not actually working with pointers.


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1 answer

Apparently the Has Strings of combobox property needs to be set to True.



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