VS error while creating a new WebAPI project

When I create a new WebAPI (MVC4) project I get the following error.

EntityFramework.5.0.0: Failed to initialize Powershell host. If the PowerShell execution policy setting is set to AllSigned, open the Package Manager Console to initialize the host first.

jQuery. Failed to initialize Powershell host. If the PowerShell execution policy setting is set to AllSigned, open the Package Manager Console to initialize the host first.

After Googling I found several answers, but nothing seems to work.

Error while creating new MVC project - EF and JQuery This answer seems like it should work for me as my last project was a 7z command line application and I might have done something stupid with 7zip. But I copied the 7-Zip directory from Program Files to Program Files (86) with no luck.

http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vssetup/thread/c934fed4-e44e-4a06-9e3b-eccb9c8aa8d6 There is an answer here that might work (I haven't tried it) but even if it works, I wouldn't want to do this every time I create a new project.

Can anyone help me with this?


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2 answers

I ran into a similar error by launching PowerShell as Administrator with a command Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

, restarting Visual Studio and opening the Package Manager Console before what I wanted to do.

Make sure you understand the security implications for this in the first place.


  • Limited . No scripts can be run. Windows PowerShell can only be used in interactive mode.
  • AllSigned . Only scripts signed by a trusted publisher can run.
  • RemoteSigned . Downloaded scripts must be signed by a trusted publisher before running them.
  • Unlimited - no restrictions; all Windows PowerShell scripts can be run.


I recently ran into this issue, after reinstalling VS and installing the latest VS 2 update, everything goes well. This works for me at least.



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