How do I execute a bash script from anywhere?

On UNIX, I read that moving the shell script to / usr / local / bin will allow you to execute the script from anywhere by simply typing "[scriptname] .sh" and hitting enter.

I have moved the script as normal user and root, but I cannot run it.


#! bin/bash

echo "The current date and time is:"

echo "The total system uptime is"

echo "The users currently logged in are:"

echo "The current user is:"
who -m

exit 0


This is what happens when I try to move and then run the script:

[myusername@VDDK13C-6DDE885 ~]$ sudo mv /usr/local/bin

[myusername@VDDK13C-6DDE885 ~]$

bash: command not found



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4 answers

If you want to run your script everywhere you need to add it to your PATH

. Usually /usr/local/bin

found in every user's path, so it should work. So check if your system is /usr/local/bin

on your PATH

, on your terminal:

echo $PATH 


You should see a lot of these ways (eg /bin

, /sbin

etc.). If it is not listed, you can add it. An even better solution is to keep all your scripts inside a directory like yours home

and add it to your path.

To add a directory to your path, you can change the init scripts shell

and add new directories, for example, if you are using a shell BASH

, you can create your own .bashrc

and add the line:



This will add new directories to the existing ones PATH




You need to move it somewhere along the way. Try the following:

echo $PATH


I put / usr / local / bin, not listed.

I handle this by creating a bin directory in my $ HOME (i.e. mkdir ~/bin

) and adding it to my ~ / .bashrc file (create a file if you don't already have one):

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH




To run an executable from any directory:

1) Create a bin directory in your home directory and paste executable scripts into it.

[root@ip9-114-192-179 ~]# cd /home
[root@ip9-114-192-179 home]# mkdir bin
[root@ip9-114-192-179 home]#ls
bin  cloud-init-0.7.4-10.el7.noarch.rpm  cloud-user  epel-release-7-11.noarch.rpm       


2) Move your executable scripts to bin direcoty.

mv /home/bin


3) Now add it to your path variable.

[root@ip9-114-192-179 ~]# echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/home/bin"' >> /etc/profile
[root@ip9-114-192-179 ~]# source /etc/profile
[root@ip9-114-192-179 ~]# echo $PATH


4) Check if this path is added to the path variable.

[root@ip9-114-192-179 ~]# echo $PATH


5) Make sure the script is run from any random directory.



This may sound silly, but are you convinced that it is executable? Do you chmod + x Does the shell script have the correct shell path at the top (e.g. #! / Bin / bash)? Also, are you using UNIX or LINUX or FreeBSD? (the last question is important)



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