Django admin search treating latin letters as lithuanian letters

There are several non-Latin letters in Lithuanian, and all of them can be written as Latin:

± - a, č - c, ę / é - e, į - i, š - s, ø / ū - u, ž - z.

For example, the database contains records ąžuolas

and azuolas

. If I type a query into django admin ąžuolas

, then it finds both entries. If azuolas

- only the second.

What do I need to change in django (or MySQL) to make it work both ways?


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1 answer

First of all, I just learned that those characters that look like Latin have a common name: Diacritics !

Django seems to resolve this type of query using full text search (it has been confirmed to be successful in this comment on a related question

Woooa check this little switch here !!

elif field_name.startswith('@'):
    return "%s__search" % field_name[1:]


Could it be that when @azuolas

you find , you will finally find ąžuolas

? Please try and report your results.

Also, here's a link to the MySQL article in BOOLEAN MODE



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