How to hide soft keyboard behind View like Gmail app?

I have implemented the auto suggestion functionality using MultiAutoCompleteTextView

successfully and everything works fine except . I am unable to display the auto-negotiation list above the soft keyboard .

Android Gmail has the same functionality. [cm. below image]

enter image description here


I want the exact functionality, I want to display a list of suggestions on the soft keyboard, but I don't know how to achieve this. my suggestion list is always hidden behind the soft keyboard.

How do I show the autosave list above a soft keyboard like a Gmail app?

I've tried playing with different android:imeOptions

and different xml attributes and searched a lot but nothing helped.

Is there a public Api or XML attribute for this? Does anyone have a hint or idea on how to achieve this.

Code structure: My snippet opens AlertDialog

which contains MultiAutoCompleteTextView

where I am implementing the auto suggestion.

Any help or suggestion that leads in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


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