Trying to test django app locally with master

I am working on a django application and am trying to use wizards to test my application locally before clicking on the hero. I can run it successfully using python server. However, when running it with forman, it fails - whenever I do foreman start

inside a directory, it returns this to me:

09:21:09 web.1  | started with pid 9956
09:21:09 web.1  | /usr/local/foreman/bin/foreman-runner: line 41: exec: gunicorn: not found
09:21:09 web.1  | exited with code 127
09:21:09 system | sending SIGTERM to all processes
SIGTERM received


What does it mean?

Below is my Procfile:

web: gunicorn myapp.wsgi


Below is my requirement .txt



Thanks for the help in advance!


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4 answers

It looks like the killer is properly installed on your system. Run pip install -r requirements.txt and then manually run the gunicorn command to check if it works.



I approached this question with the same problem as looking for a gun when I ran the "starter", but ended up digging in other sources that I was not recreating the virtualenv in a new bash session. I initially followed Heroku instructions , but after a few days with new sessions it was necessary to remember

source venv/bin/activate




If problem - installing gunicorn separately did the trick

pip install gunicorn



I had the same problem:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev


and then reinstalling the heroku-toolbelt tool, solved it!



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