Git file ownership change causing 500 server error

Problems with git push causing 500 server errors. It looks like the file issue is resolved according to server errors. the ownership of the files changes every time I push git from my local machine.

To work again, I have to go into the public_html folder and chown potter.potter * -R

Can anyone help me? I showed below how I defined ...

I have set up a repository called potter.git on my website development server at / home / username / gitrepos


git config --global ""  
git config --global "harry"  


inside / home / potter / gitrepos

mkdir potter.git  
cd potter.git  
git init --bare


deployment hooks for deployment

cd hooks  
pico post-receive 


Introduced below in post-receive hook to allow deployment

while read oldrev newrev ref
branch=`echo $ref | cut -d/ -f3`

if [ "master" == "$branch" ]; then
git --work-tree=$docroot checkout -f $branch



made a post-fetch executable

chmod 755 post-receive


set working directories in .bash profile

# GIT  
export GIT_DIR=/home/potter/potter.git  
export GIT_WORK_TREE=~/public_html


Now on my local machine, I have established a remote connection like this:

git remote add website ssh:// 


and push, I do the following:

git push website master



source to share

1 answer

The owner of the file is whoever is performing the check, so this will be the user you are connecting with. And since you are connecting to root, all files are owned by root.

At first, I would not use root as a git user. I would create a new user specifically for this task.

Secondly, I would disable root login via ssh. Use su

or sudo

if you want to play God.

Third, if you want to run the script as a different user (like a checkout script), you can ssh connect to the correct user on localhost ( potter@localhost

) and use public key authentication to log in without a password. You can specify a command that ssh should execute right after login. So somewhere in your homedir you can create a script that will change to the correct directory and run a git checkout.



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