NodeJS errno 37 on socket.connect

I am trying to connect to multiple nodes in a row, this is the code to resolve the ip address and socket.connect () for each domain name (line [1]). This works on it, but returns errno 37 on fast startup with different hosts. The best information I have about the error is:

":" EPROTO ", description:" protocol error "


$.connect(port, line[1], function() {



{ [Error: connect Unknown system errno 37]
  code: 'Unknown system errno 37',
  errno: 'Unknown system errno 37',
  syscall: 'connect' }


How can I solve this / why is this happening?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Removed manual dns lookup code and added bug report


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1 answer

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I seem to be opening sockets in quick succession asking for trouble.

Try to wait between opening sockets and playing with the amount of time to wait.



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