Update with parameters

I am trying to update an entry in an access file (.accdb). I am trying to use .net OleDbCommand and OleDbParameters. I am also trying to use a generic model and store all commands and parameters in abstract equivalents of System.Data.Common so that I can easily switch to SQL Server (which is what I plan to do)

So the actual command is used

EDIT 2/2/2013 - 9:10 PM the .ExecuteNonQuery command is inside a method named ExecuteNonQuery () connectionString and the command is defined in the constructor of the DataAccess class

public class DataAccess

    private string connectionString;
    private DbConnection connection;
    private DbCommand command;
    private DbDataReader reader;
    private DataTable data;

    public DataAccess()
        connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

        switch (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseType"])
            case "oledb":
                connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
                command = new OleDbCommand(string.Empty, (OleDbConnection)connection);
            case "SQL":                 
                connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                command = new SqlCommand(string.Empty, (SqlConnection)connection);


    public void ExecuteNonQuery(string SQL, params DbParameter[] parameters)
        command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        command.CommandText = SQL;


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

    public DbParameter NewParameter(string name, object value)
        DbParameter param;

        switch (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBaseType"])
            case "oledb":
                param = new OleDbParameter(name, value);
            case "SQL":
                param = new SqlParameter(name, value);
                param = null;

        return param;


These are the properties in the App.Config file

<add key="DataBaseType" value="oledb"/>

<add key="ConnectionString" value="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=data.accdb"/>

Now the problem is that when using parameters in the update statement, the update never happens and also never throws an error. Here is the code for it.

EDIT 2/2/2013 - 9:10 PM the DataAccess.NewParameter function is in the first block of code

DALayer.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE TileTypes SET Title = @Title, Picture = @Picture, Color = @Color WHERE ID = @ID",
 DALayer.NewParameter("@Title", titleTextBox.Text.Trim()),
 DALayer.NewParameter("@Picture", typePictureBox.ImageLocation),
 DALayer.NewParameter("@Color", colorButton.BackColor.ToArgb()),
 DALayer.NewParameter("@ID", id));


I copied the access request and replaced all the parameter names with the actual data being passed, this works great. I tried to replace all parameters in the SQL text with? the character has no effect. I've tried including all table and column names in brackets [] also with no effect.

  • ID is the AutoNumber field
  • Title - text box
  • The image is a text box
  • Color is a long whole field

These are some sample data that was copied directly from the options in the Viewport for Visual Studio:

  • "Change" (name)
  • -1 (color)
  • "data \ images \ Edit_000000.jpg" (picture)
  • 740 (id)

This identifier exists in the database and has not changed since the query was executed.

EDIT 2/2/2013 - 9:10 PM I'm not sure how to check which database is actually being updated, the only thing I could think of is that using the same connection string and connection object, I made an insert statement with that the same ExecuteNonquery method and worked in the database that I was browsing, And the update statement works just like this (without parameters):

DALayer.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE TileTypes SET Title = '" + titleTextBox.Text + 
"', Color = " + colorButton.BackColor.ToArgb() + ", Picture = '" + 
imageLocation + "' WHERE ID = " + id);


EDIT 2/2/2013 - 9:41 PM I used all.exe to search my computer for all data.accdb files on my computer, I didn't find any actual .accdb files other than the original, but I found these .lnk files, I don't believe they could have been changed by this process, but I mentioned it anyway



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1 answer

What you are trying to do is what I did in the past too, but it is allowed to connect to OleDB (like Access, Visual FoxPro, etc.), SQL-Server, SyBase SQLAnywhere and maybe my implementation can can I help you. First, each of the elements that you will use to connect to the common interface, such as IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDbParameter, etc.

Below, I post a small segment of how I originally structured this type of multi-database connection. I removed the heap and haven't tested this split version, but it SHOULD be a good base for you.

The premise is a basic "MyConnection" to almost be abstract, but has properties and some "general" methods that would exist under the subclass definition of EITHER. Hence each of the functions and parameter types is based on "I" and not on a specific one. However, each one received will create its own type of PROPERTY. This removes the need to "Do" everything. We hope this helps you along with the evolution of the data access layer.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;

// for OleDB (Access, VFP, etc)
using System.Data.OleDb;
// for SQL-Server
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace DataMgmt
    public class MyConnection
        // no matter the connection to server, it will require some "handle"
        // that is of type "IDbConnection"
        protected IDbConnection sqlConnectionHandle;

        // when querying, ANY query could have an exception that needs to have
        // possible further review for handling
        public Exception LastException
        { get; protected set; }

        // When calling an execute command (select, insert, update, delete), 
        // they all can return how many rows affected
        public int RowsAffectedByQuery
        { get; protected set; }

        // different databases could have different connection strings. Make
        // virtual and throw exception so sub-classed must return proper formatted.
        public virtual string GetConnectionString()
        { throw new Exception("GetConnectionString() method must be overridden."); }

        // each has its own "IDbConnection" type too
        protected virtual IDbConnection SQLConnectionHandle()
        { return sqlConnectionHandle; }

        public virtual IDbCommand GetSQLDbCommand()
        { throw new Exception("GetSQLDbCommand() method must be overridden."); }

        // generic routine to get a data parameter...
        public virtual IDbDataParameter AddDbParmSpecificValue(string ParmName, object UnknownValue)
        { throw new Exception("AddDbParmSpecificValue() method must be overwritten per specific connection."); }

        // generic "Connection" since they are all based on IDbCommand...
        public override bool SQLConnect()
            // pre-blank exception in case remnant from previous activity
            LastException = null;

            if (sqlConnectionHandle.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    // if not open, always make sure we get updated connection string
                    // if ever changed by some other "unknown" condition...
                    sqlConnectionHandle.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Preserve in generic sqlException" property for analysis OUTSIDE this function
                    LastException = ex;

            // if NOT connected, display message to user and set error code and exception
            if (sqlConnectionHandle.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                LastException = new Exception("Unable to open database connection.");

            // return if it IS successful at opening the connection (or was already open)
            return sqlConnectionHandle.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open;

        // likewise disconnect could be common
        public void SQLDisconnect()
            if (sqlConnectionHandle != null)
                if (sqlConnectionHandle.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        public bool SqlExecNonQuery( IDbCommand SQLCmd, DataTable oTbl)
            // pre-clear exception
            LastException = null;

            // fill the table...
                RowsAffectedByQuery = SQLCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            catch (Exception e)
                LastException = e;
                throw e;

            // Its all ok if no exception error
            return LastException == null;


    // Now, build your connection manager per specific type
    public class MyAccessConnection : MyConnection
        public MyAccessConnection()
        {   sqlConnectionHandle =  new OleDbConnection();   }

        public override string GetConnectionString()
        {   return "Your Connection String from AppSettings.. any changes if OleDb vs SQL"; }

        public override IDbCommand GetSQLDbCommand()
        {   return new OleDbCommand( "", (OleDbConnection)sqlConnectionHandle ); }

        public override IDbDataParameter AddDbParmSpecificValue(string ParmName, object UnknownValue)
        {   return new OleDbParameter( ParmName, UnknownValue );    }


    public class MySQLConnection : MyConnection
        public MySQLConnection()
        {   sqlConnectionHandle = new SqlConnection();  }

        public override string GetConnectionString()
        { return "Your Connection String from AppSettings... any alterations needed??? "; }

        public override IDbCommand GetSQLDbCommand()
        { return new SqlCommand ("", (SqlConnection)sqlConnectionHandle); }

        public override IDbDataParameter AddDbParmSpecificValue(string ParmName, object UnknownValue)
        { return new SqlParameter(ParmName, UnknownValue); }

    // Now to implement... pick one... Access or SQL-Server for derivation...
    public class MyDataLayer : MyAccessConnection
        public void SomeSQLCall()
            IDbCommand sqlcmd = GetSQLDbCommand();
            sqlcmd.CommandText = "UPDATE TileTypes SET Title = @Title, "
                                + "Picture = @Picture, "
                                + "Color = @Color "
                                + "WHERE ID = @ID";
            sqlcmd.Parameters.Add( AddDbParmSpecificValue( "@Title", titleTextBox.Text.Trim() ));
            sqlcmd.Parameters.Add( AddDbParmSpecificValue( "@Picture", typePictureBox.ImageLocation) );
            sqlcmd.Parameters.Add( AddDbParmSpecificValue( "@Color", colorButton.BackColor.ToArgb()) );
            sqlcmd.Parameters.Add( AddDbParmSpecificValue(  "@ID", id));

        if( SqlExecNonQuery(sqlcmd))
            // Good to go
            // Notify of whatever error thrown....



So, as you can see, my last class is specifically derived from Either Access or SQL. Then I can create my methods to receive data, call updates, whatever. Get an SQL command (which returns the correct type and automatically attaches to the appropriate Connection Handle, prepares the text, adds your parameters, executes it.



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