How are you supposed to construct an SQL search term for a column of type "DateTime" using a value containing only a date?

My question is:

I have a type column DateTime

in a SQL table and it contains values ​​as

2013-02-01 10:00:00.000
2013-01-27 16:00:00.000
2013-02-01 14:00:00.000


How do I get the results with a query if I only mention the date in Where

, like:

FROM   tablename
WHERE  columnName = '2013-02-01'


After running this query, I want to get this result

2013-02-01 10:00:00.000
2013-02-01 14:00:00.000


Please help me with this.


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3 answers

Since your data is stored over time, you Cast

only need to use those dates.

Try the following:

FROM tablename 
WHERE CAST(columnName as DATE) = '2013-02-01'


Depending on your version of SQL Server (if it doesn't support the DATE datatype), you can use this:

FROM tablename 
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, columnName)) = DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, '2013-02-01'))


EDIT. As others have rightly pointed out, you lose any performance gained by indexing the tables in that column in the example above. This should be what you are looking for, given one input parameter (2013-01-01 in this case):

FROM tablename
WHERE columnName >= CONVERT(datetime,'2013-01-01')
  AND columnName < DATEADD(dd, 1, CONVERT(datetime,'2013-01-01'))


Good luck.



Applying functions to a column will make your query non-sargable and mess up your Cardinality estimate .

Use spacing instead.

select *
from tablename
where columnName >= '20130201' and
      columnName < '20130202'


Note: Dateformat is YYYY-MM-DD

not always interpreted the way you think it is in SQL Server

To avoid ambiguity in interpreting dates, use the generic date format "YYYYMMDD".

set language German
select convert(datetime, '1989-06-12'),
       convert(datetime, '19890612'),
       convert(datetime2, '1989-06-12'),
       convert(datetime2, '19890612'),
       convert(date, '1989-06-12'),
       convert(date, '19890612')




FROM   tablename 
WHERE  CONVERT(VARCHAR, columnname, 103) = '01/01/2013'




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