How is enum # with_object different from enum # each_with_object?

The documentation says:

enum#each_with_object :-

Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object, obj, and returns obj


Iterates the given block for each element with an arbitrary object, obj, and returns obj

But when I tried below on both constructs, one gave me the result as expected, but the others didn't. Therefore, I suspect there is a difference between the two.

Using each_with_object

%w(foo bar).each_with_object({}) { |str, hsh| hsh[str] = str.upcase }
=> {"foo"=>"FOO", "bar"=>"BAR"}


success is here!

Using with_object

%w(foo bar).with_object({}) { |str, hsh| hsh[str] = str.upcase }
 => NoMethodError: undefined method `with_object' for ["foo", "bar"]:Array
    from (irb):1
    from C:/Ruby193/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'


failed here!

What is the difference between these two methods?


source to share

2 answers


returns an Enumerator object.

%w(foo bar).each.class
=> Enumerator


So, for the first case, the array is first converted to Enumerator

, then works on with_object


If you want the second case to work, you need to convert the array to an Enumerator. You can use .to_enum

, .each

or .map

to convert an array.

%w(foo bar).map.with_object({}) { |str, hsh| hsh[str] = str.upcase }
=> {"foo"=>"FOO", "bar"=>"BAR"}


Read more: Enumerator



with object

only works on counters, which means you need to bind it to something that returns it. eg.

%w(foo bar).each.with_object({}) { |str, h| h[str] = str.upcase }

%w(foo bar).detect.with_object(obj) { ... }


So, you can call with_object

all that returns an enumerator, if you do not give him a block (eg map

, reduce

, detect

, find_all

...). This includes anything that mixes into an Enumerable .


is essentially an alias for each.with_object




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