True Color (24 bit) in an Emacs terminal

I'm looking for a good way to have 24-bit color in emacs when using a graphical terminal emulator. For example, Konsole supports true color escape codes as described here:

My problem is I don't understand how emacs is escaping face information for the terminal. I was also unable to determine if 24-bit color support is available anywhere, or if it is even possible to implement it using emacs lisp. What I'm asking is a pointer to the appropriate Emacs documentation, or an informed opinion about whether true color is actually possible in terminal emacs.


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4 answers

I'm using xterm-frobs.el to get support for 256 colors (in xterm compatible terminals like konsole). I am using the TERM setting "xterm-256color". Support for 256 colors is generally more than enough for me as I don't use that many colors in my color scheme. the above file tries to poll the terminal to find out how many colors it supports. i dont know if it should (or could be adapted to it) be able to maintain true colors in konsole.

UPDATE: Please note that as of version 26.1 emacs now supports true color terminals. Please see the answer below for more details.



This was recently included in emacs 26.1 (May 28, 2018).

With this file: terminfo-24bit.src

# Use colon separators.
xterm-24bit|xterm with 24-bit direct color mode,
# Use semicolon separators.
xterm-24bits|xterm with 24-bit direct color mode,



tic -x -o ~/.terminfo terminfo-24bit.src


You can now run emacs with truecolor.

TERM=xterm-24bit emacs -nw


See FAQ:



AFAIK there is no built-in support for this, since the 24-bit color space in the terminal is rather unusual (!?). However, given that Emacs is open for you to add your own terminal support , you might want to try writing a package similar to xterm-frobs.el


By the way, if you only want a good color theme in the terminal, you can try my package , which translates the color-coded GUI theme into the terminal.



It is possible, but it cannot be done in ELisp alone.

Here is a great list of patches for different versions of emacs and tmux to make trucolor life possible:



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