By checking the box selected when loading from code

I am loading the checkboxlist into the code behind like this:

'load the fuel types into the checklist box
    For Each newitem As String In GetFuelTypes(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath & "OtherDataFiles\dataXML.xml")
        cblFuelstoDisplay.Items.Add(New ListItem(newitem))


I am using the following jquery to change the css style when checking an element;

$(document).ready(function () {
          $("#cbxarea").on("change", ":checkbox", function () {
              $(this).siblings("label").toggleClass("checkboxselected", $(this).is(":checked"));



and it works great. BUT, I am setting the first checkboxlist item selected in aspx codebehind and you CANNOT set the css style there. How do I change the page load style in jquery after doc.ready? I tried adding this to the script but it didn't work

$("#cbxarea:checkbox").each(function () {
              if( $(this).is(":checked")) {


Here is the markup for the checkbox

 <fieldset style="height:140px;">
                <legend>Select a Fuel Type to Display</legend> 
                <div id="cbxarea" class="checkbox">
                    <asp:CheckBoxList ID="cblFuelstoDisplay" runat="server"  AutoPostBack="True" >              



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1 answer

You must use a space between the selectors, nor are you selecting cathedral shortcut elements.

$("#cbxarea input[type=checkbox]:checked")


You can also trigger a change event:

$("#cbxarea").on("change", "input[type=checkbox]", function() {
    $(this).siblings("label").toggleClass("checkboxselected", this.checked);


Note that if your checkboxes are static then there is no need to use event delegation.

$("#cbxarea input[type=checkbox]").on("change", function() {  }).change();




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