How to run phpunit from code?

I want to use my local PHPUnit installation (via composer) to run my tests and display it on the screen (like acessing / admin / tests). But the only way to run tests that I found in the documentation was with a command line tool.

Bellow is a hypothetical example of what I'm looking for:

$session = new PHPUnit_TestSession('path/to/folder');
$results = $session->runAll();
echo $results->failuresCount();
// other hipotetical $result->methods...
// maybe $results->dump()



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1 answer

It might be overkill, but you're ready for a cure: :)

EDIT Here is a rudimentary PHPUnit usage with TextUI_TestRunner

// make sure you have PHPUnit on your path
require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php";
require_once "PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php";

$suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite();

// run the test suite with TextUI_TestRunner


The class YourTestCase

is a subclass PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

, which you can read more about how to write on the official site:

However, I would also recommend grabbing a copy of this book: Schlossnagle / dp / 0672325616 The author teaches you some great tricks, including autoload tests, etc.



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