"502 Bad Gateway" with CloudBees Play2 deployment (Java and Scala)

I followed the instructions described here to deploy my Play2 app to CloudBees: https://developer.cloudbees.com/bin/view/RUN/Playframework

My Build.scala settings look like this:

val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = JAVA)
        .settings(cloudBeesSettings :_*)
        .settings(CloudBees.applicationId := Some("application"))
        .settings(CloudBees.username := Some("username"))
        .settings(CloudBees.apiKey := Some("0123456789ABCDEF"))
        .settings(CloudBees.apiSecret := Some("88888889999999$999999998888888="))
        .settings(CloudBees.host := "https://api.cloudbees.com/api")
          // Add your own project settings here  


However, when deploying, I get the following message:

[info] Deploying application-1.0-SNAPSHOT to Run@Cloud/username/application
........................uploaded 25%
........................uploaded 50%
........................uploaded 75%
........................upload completed
deploying application to server(s)...
....[info] Application available at http://application.username.cloudbees.net
[error] {file:/Users/user/dev/play2/Application/application/}Application/*:cloudbees-deploy: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
[error] Total time: 74 s, completed Feb 3, 2013 7:44:43 PM


And when I visit http://application.username.cloudbees.net I get the error "502 Bad Gateway - nginx / 1.2.0" ...

I think this is because I am using a Mac that has Java 1.7 and CloudBees is expecting 1.6 ...? From the sbt-cloudbees-play-plugin project source I can see where I can set the "deployParams" parameter as the Map, but I am completely new to Scala and dont know how. I want to do something like Build.scala, but I keep getting errors:

.settings(CloudBees.deployParams += ("java_version" -> "1.7"))


The java_version parameter is described here: https://developer.cloudbees.com/bin/view/RUN/JVMVersion

You can see the source of the project here: https://github.com/CloudBees-community/sbt-cloudbees-play-plugin/blob/master/src/main/scala/cloudbees.scala

I don't understand what to do or what might be wrong with my deployment? Even when creating a brand new Play app without a database connection, it keeps failing.

Any insight on what I might be doing wrong would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!


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2 answers

You can try the options.

CloudBees.deployParams := Map("runtime.java_version" -> "1.7"),
CloudBees.openOnUpload := false,


The first parameter sets the runtime to java 1.7, which is probably your problem. If sbt is using JDK7 then you need to install RUN @cloud framework in java 7.

The second option fixes ExceptionInInitializerError

by disabling browser opening on deployment. In my experience, this error indicates that you are using Java 7 on your machine, because I've only seen this error with Java 7, not Java 6.



Also, always remember how to look up the logs for your application, either with the web console or with the bees app: tail command if it fails in a specific specific container (we can't return a non-500 error, and don't want to leak information about your error on the Internet, therefore, it is a common error in this case).



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